Charity arm of G360

Using sport to build a better person, community & a better Sri Lanka

If you give a man a fish, you have fed him for a day, but if you teach him to fish, you have fed him for a lifetime…

This is our approach to helping others. We believe that it is better to teach someone how to do something himself, rather than just doing it for him. This is because once the person knows how to do it himself, he will be able to continue doing it on his own.

We believe in teaching people the importance of self-reliance. Especially in today’s context, where there are so many people who are in need of help.

Our 2-prong strategy is aimed at building the resilience of Adults & Children in marginalised communities in Sri Lanka.

  • Adults – Train the trainers to be better coaches in sport and in life.
  • Children – Support with sports equipment so that they can be the best they were created to be.

Would you like to partner us on this journey?